Hidden Budget Cuts Revealed

03 August 2014

Secret Abbott Government Budget cuts will hit more than 100 programs delivering services ranging from healthcare, education and workforce training to aged care, family crisis support and regional development.
The cuts target vulnerable people and communities, including nursing home patients, people suffering from mental illness, indigenous Australians and people with disabilities.
Programs hit by the cuts which total $165 million over four years were not disclosed by the Government when it released the Budget in May.
They have only now been revealed by the Finance Minister, Mathias Cormann, in response to my questions in the Senate highlighting the importance of the Senate in holding this secretive and untrustworthy Government to account.
Senator Cormanns response shows 112 programs across ten portfolios will be hit by an indexation freeze for up to four years (attached).
The hidden cuts include:
  • $30.3 million from health programs including the National Immunisation Strategy, the National Depression Initiative, and mental health services like counselling, support for children and better access to psychiatrists and GPs;
  • $15.9 million from education and training, including cuts to programs to improve the quality of teaching in schools, civics and citizenship education and the Industry Workforce Training program;
  • $28.9 million in cuts to aged care programs to improve the quality and standards of care for elderly people living in nursing homes;
  • $26.4 million in cuts from the Family Relationship Services program which offers support and education to separated parents including counselling and dispute resolution.
In addition, the cuts will hit programs giving people with disabilities better access to university education, supporting indigenous education and aged care, and promoting regional development.
These latest cuts will only exacerbate the negative impact of this cruel Budget on Australians.
Tony Abbott has not only broken his election promises he has now been caught out trying to hide cuts which will hurt some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our community.