Budget Reply Is Abbott's Opportunity to Reveal Plans to Australians

09 May 2013

Next week, the Gillard Government will hand down a budget for all Australians, for today and for the future.
It will be a Budget that makes responsible savings and smart investments, and that is right for the economic circumstances we face.
Tony Abbott has a responsibility to step up next Thursday in the annual Budget Reply speech and reveal what his real plans and policies are.
The Budget Reply speech is meant to be more than 30 minutes of sloganeering.
Mr Abbott needs to come clean with Australians about what he would spend and what he would cut.
Already, the Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey has promised to end the age of entitlement. Australians deserve to know what savage cuts this would mean.
Failure to detail real plans next Thursday night will confirm Tony Abbott thinks he can coast to the election by hiding his policies from Australians.
Australians deserve more than the same negativity, rhetoric and empty statements that have characterised Tony Abbotts previous three Budget Reply speeches.
The Gillard Government will always put Australian jobs and the economy first. Tony Abbotts Coalition will cut to the bone and wont make the investments Australia needs for the future.
Australians have a choice between a Government that will be upfront with its decisions, and an Opposition that will never tell Australians what they really stand for.